Use of Machine Learning Algorithms in Sepsis
The predictive value of sepsis clinical scoring systems is controversial but needs further improvement.
Machine learning methods have recently emerged in the use of predicting disease identification, diagnosis and treatment.
There is a current lack of comprehensive understanding of machine learning models of predictive variables.
Various clinical scoring systems for sepsis exist in order to help clinicians assess for sepsis and predict poor outcomes, specifically mortality.
Unfortunately, the predictive value of most of these tools remain unsatisfactory.
Machine learning has good predictive performance and has been shown useful in various predictions of disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis for readmission and death.
Recently 2 major publications have comprehensively analyzed existing data of machine learning systems in determining the diagnostic accuracy and mortality risk prediction in sepsis.
Early Sepsis Recognition – L.M. Fleuren et al Intensive Care Med (2020) 46:383–400
24 publications with 130 machine learning models covering ICU, ED and hospital wards.
Retrospective studies with substantial heterogeneity.
AUROC was used as the main performance metric.
Number of features used within the models ranged from 2 to 49.

Individual machine learning models have a high predictability of sepsis onset over traditional scoring tools.
Well controlled studies are needed to validate this initial information.
Risk of death was 24-34% lower with continuous infusion vs intermittent.
Machine Learning for Prediction of Sepsis Related Mortality -Y Zhang et al BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2023;23:283.
50 studies with 104 machine learning models, 125 modeling variables.
1.9 million patients; 270,361 (14.02%) mortality rate, with 247,519 in hospital deaths.
38 additional studies on the accuracy of SOFA and qSOFA in predicting short term mortality risk in sepsis patients.

- Machine learning models demonstrated favorable accuracy in predicting sepsis mortality with in the hospital and up to 1 month post hospitalization.
An improved sepsis assessment tool would enable clinicians to promptly diagnose and formulate treatment decisions.
Machine learning models appear to possess improved useability in terms of sepsis identification as well as mortality prediction.
Selection of appropriate modeling variables is a key factor in improving their predictive accuracy.
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Erkan Hassan is the Co-Founder & Chief Clinical Officer of Sepsis Program Optimization where he designs & oversees the implementation of solutions to optimize sepsis programs.
To discuss your organization’s Barriers of Effective Sepsis Care, contact Erkan by phone (844) 4SEPSIS (844-473-7747), email (, or video chat.